Monday, January 11, 2010

" Evening Observation: Idaho Falls Temple"
Oil on Canvas Panel 11"x 14" sold
On the first night of our Idaho Temple Tour, my sister and I were in the perfect motel room for observing and painting the Temple! It was a warm autumn night, the moon was full, and the wind, calm so the reflections were wonderful. And because I was inside, all was quiet. We watched traffic coast by on the other side of the Snake River, but heard nothing.
The next day we attended the Rexburg Temple. I have not finished the begining I made that day. Soon. After that, the tour did not exactly follow our plans, but was still great. We went to both the Twin Falls Temples and Boise, where our other sister joined us!
But I was unable to begin paintings at either as my pesky cold resurfaced and lasted forever. So I have some work to do to finish the Idaho Tour.
We are talking about doing a Utah Tour begining in St. George.

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